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EU Projects

Inquiry No. 01/02/2017
Due to the planned implementation of the project pn. "Implementing innovative technology for the design and manufacture of instruments and tools" within the framework of the Regional Operational Program of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship for the years 2014-2020, Action 2.5 "Investment Support for the SME Sector", "Przedsiębiorstwo Wielobranżowe Przyrządy i Narzędzia" Sebastian Mastalerz announces the procedure for a public contract for the purchase of: New vertical CNC machining center - 1 piece - ( Inquiry No. 01/02/2017 .pdf )
Information about the outcome of the public procurement procedure for the vertical CNC machining center in accordance with the conducted proceedings under the project "Implementation of innovative design and production technology of instruments and tools"
- ( Information on the settlement of the inquiry .pdf )
Inquiry No. 02/02/2017
Due to the planned implementation of the project pn. "Implementing innovative technology for the design and manufacture of instruments and tools" within the framework of the Regional Operational Program of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship for the years 2014-2020, Action 2.5 "Investment Support for the SME Sector", "Przedsiębiorstwo Wielobranżowe Przyrządy i Narzędzie" Sebastian Mastalerz announces the procedure for a public contract for the purchase of: Design software CAD/CAM/CAE - 2 piece -
( Inquiry No 02/02/2017.pdf )
Information about the outcome of the public procurement procedure for CAD / CAM / CAE design software for solid and surface modeling and the 2.5D and 3D parts machining and CAD / CAM / CAE design software for component analysis and die design in accordance with the procedure Within the project pn. "Implementation of innovative technologies for the design and manufacture of instruments and tools" -
( Information on the settlement of the inquiry No. 02/02/2017 .pdf )
Inquiry No. 03/02/2017
Due to the planned implementation of the project pn. "Implementing innovative technology for the design and manufacture of instruments and tools" within the framework of the Regional Operational Program of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship for the years 2014-2020, Action 2.5 "Investment Support for the SME Sector", "Przedsiębiorstwo Wielobranżowe Przyrządy i Narzędzie" Sebastian Mastalerz announces the procedure for a public contract for the purchase of: Workingstation with equipment- 2 piece -
( Inquiry No 03/02/2017 .pdf )
Information about the outcome of the public procurement procedure for new workstations with accessories according to the proceedings conducted under the project. "Implementation of innovative technologies for the design and manufacture of instruments and tools" -
( Information on the settlement of the inquiry No. 03/02/2017 .pdf )
If you have any questions feel free to contact us on phone number:
+48 606 406 258
or use our contact form
Did you know...
We have more than 12 years of experience, have modern machinery and experienced and qualified employees.
We realize a wide range of orders - from simple punchers to very complicated progressive dies or simultaneous dies.
For the construction of blanking dies and stamping dies we use only the highest quality materials.
In normalized elements, we are supplying the leaders of the Polish market for the production of normalized elements.